Interaction with former House Speaker Dhungana

Interaction with former House Speaker Dhungana

Institute of Foreign Affairs welcomed Mr Damannath Dhungana, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nepal, on July 30, 2020, at its premises. The IFA family led by Mr Rajesh Shrestha, Executive Director, welcomed him.

His short interactive presentation on the significance of Parliamentary Democracy, the Nepali Peace Process and the nature of Nepal’s foreign policy strategy at present, has been valued inputs for the IFA.

Dr Rupak Sapkota, Deputy Executive Director, Mr Madhavji Shrestha, senior resource person, Mr Matrika Poudyal, resource person-cum-spokesperson, including Mr Sanuraja Puri, Mr Mahendra Prasad Joshi, Ms Binita Shrestha and Mr Dron Prasad Lamichhane were attended in the interaction.