Structure of the Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA)

The Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs heads the Board of Directors. The Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs represents the MOFA as a Member of the Board. The Executive Director, appointed by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of the Mister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the day to day operation of the Institute. He/she is assisted by Deputy Executive Director, and a dozen professional and support staff.

The policies and programs are guided and supervised by a governing body comprising the following Members:

1.       Hon'ble Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Chairperson

2.       President, International Relations and Tourism Committee, Legislature-Parliament — Member

3.       Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Member

4.       Two Experts selected or nominated by the Government of Nepal from among those having       expertise in International Law — Members

5.       One Former Ambassador — Member

6.       Two Persons, including one female, nominated by the Government of Nepal from among those having expertise in foreign affairs and international relations or those having such expertise from University Professors — Members

7.       One Representative nominated by the Government of Nepal from Business Community — Member

8.       One Person nominated by the Government of Nepal from among those having engaged in International Relations and having, at least, the degree of Master level, from among indigenous, ethnic, Madhesi, oppressed (Dalit) and minority groups — Member

9.       Executive Director, Institute of Foreign Affairs — Member Secretary