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Talk by Dr Rodrigo F More

Ocean levels are rising regardless of whether or not you believe in the deleterious effects of climate change. As sure as we get old, wiser, but less listened to by younger people.

Interaction with Delegates from Fudan University, China

The scholars of the visiting team discussed on Nepal-China relations and encompassing relevant areas of scholastic enrichment over foreign policies both the countries have adopted in order to deal with the changing dynamics of contemporary world politics.

Talk Program on Nepal-US Relations

Her presentation further focused on the aid provided by the developed countries to developing countries. As the major target of international aid is to focus on the needy people, she claimed that the foreign aid in US dollars reach vulnerable groups.

Interaction with former House Speaker Dhungana

His short interactive presentation on the significance of Parliamentary Democracy, Nepali Peace Process and the nature of Nepal’s foreign policy strategy at present, has been a valued asset for us.

Talk On Repairing Nepal-India Relations by Gen. Mehata

Prithvi Narayan Shah had described Nepal as a yam between two rocks. Now that analogy is no longer relevant. India and China are two giants, fast-growing economies.

Talk on India-Nepal Relations by HE Mr. Ranjit Rae, Ambassador of India

Ambassador Ranjit Rae pointed out that for India the two primary objectives were stability and devolvement in Nepal, and he added that India could not achieve prosperity...

Talk on China- Nepal Relations by HE Mr. Wu Chuntai, Ambassador of China

We are friends in need and friends in deed. Developing countries like China, India and Nepal were invaded and colonized. Modern history is characterized by ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. China, India and Nepal are thus ‘losers’.

Talk on Nepal-US Relations

We work with our counterparts to bring and establish changes or deepen bilateral relations.

Talk on Nepal-India Diplomatic Relations

The world is globalizing and coming together and no country no matter how small or large can be left out. As diplomats, by learning about other countries you will have a good vantage point.

Talk on Nepal-US Relations

Nepal and the US established diplomatic relations for 70 years. Our relationship over 70 years has been very fruitful. Through the decades, we have emerged as stewards of these relations in both the government to government and people to people domains.

Talk on Nepal-US Cooperation

Talk Program on Nepal-US ...